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We advise our clients to assess leads by channels as well. You then give a quality score to each lead you receive, and at the end of each month, calculate the average score for each channel. You can then decide to invest more in the most effective channels, lowering your acquisition cost, while optimising the volume of leads you receive.



Emmanual -- Thanks for the post, great comment. And, it reminds me of another best practice for leads routed to channels... It's essential channel managers have a lead management dashboard/home page giving each manager high level visibility into all leads, the ability to drill into lead details, and the ability if needed to edit or reassign leads.



Yes makes sense. Have you ever used specific metric to assess average leads quality for a specific channel?


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I believe that it's also very important that besides lead tracking, a company should also try to invest in training their staff on how to effectively use the tools that are available, including a lead management software.

Lead Generation

I never knew anything about the techniques that you shared. But I think I should consider this on my business. Thanks for shating your post. This will surely be applied.


Is the technique no. 3 not too much offending. I don't speak that much to my people, I'm just worried if I will say such things to them, this is helpful but I just don't know how to tell them.


Thanks for your awesome suggestions. I really learned a lot from your article.

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