Last week's ANA B2B Brand conference included a very cool brand building/integrated campaign presentation by UPS and the Martin Agency.
Titled "Conquering the Complex Through Simplicity: The UPS Approach to B-to-B Branding", UPS's Betsy Wilson and The Martin Agency's Andy Azula redefined multi-media. In addition to slideware, ad replays, and YouTube videos, Andy just happens to be "the whiteboard guy" in the UPS TV ads, a few of which were part of their presentation.
Now we've all watched the UPS "what can Brown do for you" and whiteboard TV ads, I've seen their ads on NPR's web site, in the Wall Street Journal, and on Yahoo; I know the ad theme music is from a band called (not coincidentally) The Postal Service; I've watch my beloved Buffalo Bills deconstructed on the ESPN UPS whiteboard; and it's an truly integrated multi-channel campaign that includes email and direct mail demand generation activities.
I didn't realize, though, I could send 'Andy-generated' whiteboard messages from the UPS whiteboard site. According to Betsy and Andy, more than 75,000 whiteboards have been created to date. 75,000! Next time you need to remind or pester friends, family, or colleagues, give it a try.
Their results? According to Business Week's Top 100 Global Brands Scoreboard, UPS is ranked 28th in the world -- in front of firms like Nike, Starbucks, and Apple.
I touched on a few of aspects of the UPS presentation. If you were at the conference and have comments on the UPS presentation or any of the conference topics, please share.